Lost Arts studio

A lot of the fiber arts I enjoy are things like tatting, netmaking, chair caning, and even weaving, where people will come up to me when I demonstrate and solemnly tell me, "That's a lost art."

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Location: SW Outer Nowhere, Michigan, United States

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a chicken. (With apologies to Peter Steiner.)

30 September 2006

In Memoriam

About five or so years ago, my husband and my son and I took a trip by train to Chicago. We love riding the train, because you can sit and read, get up and use the restroom, watch the scenery, eat your lunch, and all the time, you're still moving towards your destination. You don't have to stop for gas, and you don't have to struggle to find an expensive place to park your car.

I was folding a lot of origami at the time, and I was working full-time and had spending cash. So I asked on the "O-list", an international origami email list (subscription instructions here), about good paper stores in Chicago.

One of the stores we visited was J. Toguri Mercantile, on West Belmont. My husband was instantly sucked into a display of cookbooks (he's the cook and makes scary Thai laab), and I was dazzled by a rack of wonderful origami papers. Wow. I remember we also each bought a set of fancy chopsticks there. (My Polish-Irish husband can eat with chopsticks and pick up individual rice grains with them -- what is UP with that?) I bought myself the "baby" chopsticks that are joined together in the center, much more my speed!

We had a great time in that store, and were waited on by a tiny elderly Japanese lady who smiled at our then-2-year-old son. I dimly remember that she asked him if he liked candy. (We were buying him candy.)

It was not until I got home, and was looking up Toguri's on the internet, that I learned that Iva Toguri of Toguri's was the woman arrested, tried and imprisoned for broadcasting as "Tokyo Rose".

There are many websites detailing the injustice of her arrest and conviction. Go off and Google for Iva Toguri, Orphan Ann, and Tokyo Rose.

Iva Toguri died in Chicago on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, at age 90.



Blogger Gr8lakesgrrl said...

Testing comments, am I here yet?

2:05 PM  
Blogger Gr8lakesgrrl said...

Woohoo! I'm back! Mwa, ha,ha, ha, ha!

Holy smoke, you actually met this woman? Or am I confused by this story, was it just the shop that was named after her?

Okay, now that I can comment I have to hit some other stuff.

1. I second the notion that tools are not stash. This rule also applies to power tools.
2. Those are some gorgeous pics of your property! I miss you, when can we come visit?
3. Although I do have a couple of chairs with your name on them so maybe you should visit me. Bring the mini-van!
4. Um, yeah, I know. It was a chair and now it's plural. What can I say? They've reproduced! Like tools.
5. Today I have been a mother for 15 year. Fifteen! He will be taking driver's ed soon! AAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!

'nuff said?

2:15 PM  
Blogger Alwen said...

Holy smoke, you actually met this woman? Or am I confused by this story, was it just the shop that was named after her?

Yes, that tiny Japanese woman was Iva Toguri herself. Kind of like realizing your Wal-Mart greeter is some guy named MacArthur.

1. I second the notion that tools are not stash. This rule also applies to power tools.

There, see? I have permission! Stash is what you make stuff out of, like flour or yarn. Tools are what you use to make the stuff, like a baking pan or knitting needles.

2. Those are some gorgeous pics of your property! I miss you, when can we come visit?
3. Although I do have a couple of chairs with your name on them so maybe you should visit me. Bring the mini-van!
4. Um, yeah, I know. It was a chair and now it's plural. What can I say? They've reproduced! Like tools.

Hm, not this weekend - Vineyard Raids III is Saturday.

5. Today I have been a mother for 15 year. Fifteen! He will be taking driver's ed soon! AAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!

I second that "AAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!" If he's 15, how old does that make US? No way!

8:43 AM  
Blogger Gr8lakesgrrl said...

Oh no, of course not! Did I forget to mention that I stopped having birthdays when he was born? I'm still 27, I don't know about you... of course that makes me 12 when I gave birth. Perhaps I should start getting older again. See, being 42 has been awesome and also easy to remember because it's the meaning of life, the universe and everything. But seriously, if someone asked me how old I was for the first ten years of Eli's life I would say 27 if I weren't really thinking about it. Now I'll probably say 42 for the next ten years.

No, not this weekend, we have soccer Saturday morning and then were supposed to go camping with C&P up around Manistee. Hope for good weather!

10:48 AM  

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