Not A BashCar Fan
I'm not out to start an argument with NASCAR fans, although personally I'd rather watch weather radar than car races.
Doesn't look like much, does it? A little rip on the driver's side front bumper, a chunk gone off the passenger's side front bumper. Unfortunately for the budget, these plastic parts are apparently made out of qiviut, considering how much they cost. Argh.
And the man did lose some marital brownie points when he came home. He walked in the door and I said gloomily, "I burned the tea kettle," and he said, "What, again?!?"
Hmph! I didn't say "What, again?!?" when he called and said he hit something with the car again!Why I have weeds in my yard:
The juncoes, house finches, and goldfinches love the family Chenopodiaceae, which I first realized when I watched goldfinches eating diamond-shaped snippets out of the leaves of the beets (beetroot) and spinach I was growing in my garden.
Rather than letting spinach go to seed for them, I let a plant of pigweed, Chenopodium album, grow by my bird feeder. I had a hard time getting a photo of the birds on it yesterday, with the wind blowing at 20 mph and gusting to 40 mph, but I finally got one with the bird in focus!
The other thing I did yesterday with the kid at home was my introvert-ish substitute for privacy, a fiction binge on the latest three Susan Wittig Albert mysteries, which I always feel like I should like more than I do. They have herbs, multiple income streams, mysteries, and a female protagonist, but somehow they just don't grab me.
Not the way a Terry Pratchett will sometimes get me, where I feel like my head has turned inside out and that I'm more there than here.
So no, I turned pages and didn't pick up the double-knitted mittens, although I did knit a row on a nothing made out of tatting thread on 4-0 or 5-0 needles.
And the metric micrometer I bought on eBay came in the mail (ooh, look, something to be grateful for!), so I've been measuring all my old steel dpns and Havel's tatting needles to see what size they gauge out at.
Never mind gauges with drilled holes: it would be cool if someone marketed a micrometer to knitters with needle size equivalents etched right on the frame!
Labels: birdwatching, reading
Alwen, if you have any local junkyards, you might be able to find a much cheaper bumper there -- but you'll need to be able to remove it from the junker and then replace it on your car.
And you're not the only one that way with Albert mysteries. I read them on occasion, but rarely seem to be impelled to buy or borrow more. Good thing since I have a long list of authors that I snatch of the shelves very greedily.
I'm also loving your mittens, by the way. I don't wear mittens or gloves more than three days a year, but I'm really tempted to make some similar to yours.
Yes, what you said, about the micrometer. My needle gauge is pretty much useless, especially since I now have the knit picks sock set with mm sizes and my needle gauge doesn't have enough of a range. I know I need to get a better one before I drop the package and have 30 nearly identical shiny sticks in a pile...
I listen to Albert's books that I download from It's good that I don't pay for them because they are only ok. I always feel I should like them too but they leave me flat. I just don't care that much about the characters. You should see the back bumper on my car, my children learned to drive in my car....nuff said.
Yup - all car parts made of a combo of qiviut and platinum - well known fact! - Don't know the author you're referring to - but LOVE teryy pratchett - re-reading a few of his at present - and you're right - always somehow end up feeling I'm looking at the back of my own head!
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