Lost Arts studio

A lot of the fiber arts I enjoy are things like tatting, netmaking, chair caning, and even weaving, where people will come up to me when I demonstrate and solemnly tell me, "That's a lost art."

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Location: SW Outer Nowhere, Michigan, United States

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a chicken. (With apologies to Peter Steiner.)

02 May 2006

Knitting in the Rain

Or more precisely, knitting in the house, with the rain outside. How nice that it is raining, as I can stay inside and knit without feeling guilty.

I sympathize with fellow Pi-knitter tatt3r. I ended up frogging 4 or 5 rows of the green Pi doily last night.
I decided that I would extend the line of yarnovers to a point at the edge, and cast off with what Elizabeth Zimmermann called "casting-on casting-off". Basically that is sewing into the ending stitches so it looks like a plain old "backwards loop" cast on. This is a nice stretchy unobtrusive cast-off, simple to do, so I don't end up ripping it out multiple times.

On my first attempt at knitting this, I discovered I had already knitted two plain rounds preparatory to casting off. I thought I would go ahead anyway, but then I somehow knitted about three needles without putting any plain round in between the pattern rows. Okay, the first mistake I could have put up with, although it itched at me, but two in a row? No.

So splash! into the frog pond, and I ripped out a needle at a time. Double knitting and learning to knit lace with Liz Lovick has made me fearless. Out comes the needle, and zip! out come the stitches. Then I pick up the loose ones before they can get away.

After I had re-knitted back to the point where I started out the day (and hopefully taken the curse off of it), I put the Pi doily down and did some easy knitting on the purple dishcloth. I was going to post a picture of it, but Blogger has suddenly decided not to co-operate.

So how about I segue to something completely different?

Two different tatted Kokopellis!
That just cracks me up!

And my old buddy Beth's new blog.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the mention! I have to tell you, even though I've never knitted, I still groan in agony when you talk about having to rip out rows of work. Man, oh, man, that's got to hurt! Also, I *love* the tatted kokopellis, those are adorable!

6:09 PM  

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